Have dinner together (a substandard university pub type dinner but hey; you only have $50 to last you about 3 weeks) after dinner and having conversations too personal to discuss you lay on the laugh at things that aren't particularly funny but you're feeling overly giggly.
You ask him to wait for your bus with you and he agrees....as your walking and talking and hugging it leads to holding hands (you don't swing your arms....cause boy that would be laaaaaame) only the bus is early and the mood is killed!!
So i'm running for my bus, he lets go out of my hand and while i'm running he shouts out "love you!" I shout out a return "Cya!" and keep running...
The statement is purely platonic....like saying you love your sister or best friend. No i'm not sad that my relationship with this person is platonic...far from it
I'm impatient for the days for when I meet someone, and those words mean what you all just thought they did:p